This image of my childhood, of a place where people lived and shared, is deeply engraved in me. Throughout my life and artistic path, I’ve noticed that the deepest value of a human being lies in sharing, which is a true source of happiness. During the construction of the BÔ project, many people offered me their help. I met many different people, from a mayor, patrons, technicians and engineers, to a simple smile from a child who wanted to kiss the sculpture. I took great pleasure in creating and building this project. Bringing together all these skills enabled a team around BÔ to form naturally in 2021. I had the idea of a house, where we could bring together a family, each one different, we try to live together, with our joys and our fears, a place where we create, we rest, we leave, we come back, where we build and reflect. Each of us has his or her own life mission to fulfill, but we are all connected by the roots of the same house.

The creation of the BÔ association is a way of living and sharing these values through art.